
Friday, November 13, 2020

Welcome back everyone GP Morning Pre-School

 πŸ˜€  Welcome back everyone πŸ˜€

Welcome back everyone I hope everyone enjoyed our mid-term break, Halloween was very different this year for a lot of us there was no trick or treating for the children, a first in all our lifetimes. However all the children seemed to enjoy their Halloween break they came back with lots of stories of things they did and were very excited to tell us all about what they got up to on their mid term break .

The children came back all full of beans last Monday so we have been keeping them very busy doing lots of wonderful activities. We have been making the most of the dry weather and getting out everyday while we still can, all the boys and girls love to play outside .

The theme this month is transport πŸš— and the children have been hugely interested in all our activities based around different forms of transport, Land πŸš‚, Air  ✈ and Water🚣. We have been talking about emergency vehicles and how they help us and we have also looked at how different animals travel -  flying swimming, walking, jumping and sliding. So our theme is going in many different directions .

A lot of our boys and girls have been talking about snails since they returned so we have done some activities around snails. We have a snail living in our bug house in the yard which the children find fascinating and i'm sure as the weather gets colder we will get a large variety of insects looking for shelter

Here are some of our fun activities the children have been doing since we returned.

Lucy is super interest in her
transport collage.

renren learning about all the forms of transport

Reineir and Brodie very busy deciding where to stick their pieces  

          We are so proud of 
                our work😁

Emily is so happy with
her work.πŸ˜€

Lovely work Emily and Brodie !
Outdoor fun and games🌞 

Anaiya setting up the cones.

Brodie having fun in the

            We love sand.  

I'm using a lot of concentration as I fill my bucket with sand  

Emily is making a sand castle.

                         Tara's Group .


    Its a real birds nest !

Tara's boys and girls are very interested in birds so they decided to make their own nests, I wonder if any birds will make them their new homes πŸ˜„πŸ¦

The boys and girls made lovely nests.

Liz's Group

Liz's group have been very busy, this week Bella told all the children about a snail she found in the park 

All the children became very interested in snails ,we even found some hiding in our yard !

"We all loved making our snail pictures, we love using glue"🐌

                           Denise's group.
Denise's group also love snails and we have often had snails come to school in pockets !πŸ˜‚
So they really wanted to make a snail picture too.

The boys and girls have been super busy over the last two weeks ,today and tomorrow the children will be cooking car cookies in their groups and bringing them home on Friday .

The children always enjoy baking days its a great introduction to maths and science ,where children will experience weight and capacity and how dough that is soft becomes hard and solid when cooked.


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