
Friday, March 12, 2021

                                       St Peter's afterschool
 Spring is in the air !

We Welcomed back junior infants to 2nd Class on March 1st and it was great to see all the children again. We are looking forward to welcoming back 3rd to 6th class next Monday 15th. We are taking applications for next year 2021-2022. If you know anyone that is interested in a place in our afterschool please contact the Marian Centre.


Homework time.

Kane and Taylor busy at work.

Happy Mother's Day ! 

The children have been busy making their Mother's day cards and chocolates !


Tia, Dorphnia & Rhiannon busy painting !

Here is a little Poem for Mothers Day 

   A Wish for You

Just one little wish for you, Mom,
But it’s loving and happy and true -
It’s a wish that the nicest and best things
Will always keep coming to you!
~ Anon.

                      Look out for more blogs  coming your way !
                    The afterschool Team Liz, Miriam & Olive

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