
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

BW Obstacle courses, Tuff Trays and Fun

This week in our developing outside space we have been making obstacle courses and having fun with sand, water and water beads in our Tuff Trays.

The staff set the space up in the morning before the children arrived but when the children got outside they decided to rearrange and invent new ways to use the obstacle course, from making tunnels to turning it into a reading corner.

It is so important at this age and stage of development to let children take the lead in their activities with the adults there to support them. This not only makes the child feel listened to and important but it also helps to develop their self esteem and self belief in what they are capable of doing.

These activates also help to refine and master balance , gross and fine motor skills as well as working together as a team, listening to each other and most importantly having fun 

Look at the children go they really got the hang of the course.

Great balance Reece and Alex

Here come the girls showing us ow they can balance 

Jayden and Priya having a great time exploring the sand and water.

Sophie showing us how athletic she is

Jayden really got into his creative side as he came up with and built the tunnels in the obstacle course. Well done Jayden you are so creative.

All the children then decided to help Jayden and it turned into a group piece of work. What a great team they are.

Wonderful sharing and conversations happening around the sand tray

Great opportunities here to learning early maths skills from volume and weight to, counting how many buckets and water cans there are to share


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