
Friday, October 28, 2022

Ravenswell Afterschool

It hard to believe that we are approaching the Mid term .

The after-school have been very busy since August.

Ravenswell extended day group of junior and senior infants are settling in and enjoying their activities

Margaret and Leonie have planned loads of fun activities 

The homework club 1st to 6th are settling into their new location in the parents room.

The children enjoy some very tasty and healthy snacks !

This group are so creative and here is some of the activities that they have completed. 


We are hopeful that next term we can bring in some outside facilitators to cover topical subjects and interests that we have identified within this dynamic group.

                         Happy Halloween !

St Peters After-school


Almost Mid term ! We have been getting to know all the children in the after-school and we are happy to show all the parents how well the children are settling in and doing some amazing work.

            This is our lovely  room in St Peter's

St Peter's extended day group of junior and senior infants have settled in and a very creative and active bunch.


                                 Leaf rubbing


St Peter's 1st to 6th homework club 

The children are working hard at their homework. But its not all work in the after school. The children are learning from each other. We have Joey and Aaron's magic tricks. Reece and Riley's soccer skills. Layla,Dorphnia, Tia,Chase and Maya are amazing artists.

We are hoping to bring in some people to facilitate sessions that the children have identified as their interests.

Happy Halloween and stay safe.

BW After-School

    After school in Ballywaltrim. 

We have been very busy the last couple of weeks here in Afterschool we have made lots of Halloween decorations and had great fun.  

We have also been very busy and competitive with our board games. 😏   

Happy Halloween from all in Ballywaltrim afterschool. 

Greenpark Road Party Morning


What a wonderfully spooky morning we have had! Full of dancing, baking and dressing up!
Have a lovely mid term break and see you all when we return Monday 7th November