
Friday, March 31, 2023

St Peter's & Ravenswell Afterschool news

🐥Easter egg hunt with extended day🐥
Extended Day

Easter Egg Hunt with St Peter's extended day

Easter Egg Hunt 1st - 6th class

Staying safe online with 3rd to 6th Ravenswell
We delivered the first part of a Barnardos initiative to make children aware of the potential risks of the internet,.
While online apps and games provide many opportunities and benefits for young people, they also potentially expose them to risks.

the children split into groups to discuss how they use the internet and what apps and forums that they use to interact with each other. 

The children are looking forward to the next session when we  will discuss  cyber bullying 


       St Peter's Bowling & Pizza Afternoon
20th March 2023
St Peter's had an in-service day and we brought the children to Bray Bowl for bowling & pizza.




junior & senior infants

Duck Duck Goose 
The children love to play outdoors and this is one of their favourite games. this games encourages children to take turns and be patient while developing their listening skills along with lots of physical movement. they cheer each-other along and this gives them all a sense of belonging. 

Happy Easter to all our families
see you all on 17th April.


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