
Friday, April 21, 2023

BW Pre-School Science Month

🌏 Our Little Scientists🌏 

Welcome back to all our children and families after a lovely break we hope everyone had a lovely Easter. 

We had a relaxing first day back on Monday and let the children just enjoy each others company ,the weather was lovely so we had some great fun outside .

This month the children in Catherine and Linda's group are exploring science around us , this is such an interesting theme and helps the children to understand the world around them, they have been learning all about Volcano's.

They made lovely clay volcano's and painted them ,there has been lots of talk of new words learned during this activity. We also made edible volcano's that the children enjoyed making and eating using ice-cream cones and syrup. we look forward to exploring this topic next week as we create a working volcano experiment using bread soda and vinegar .

Tracie and maria's group are learning about taking care of the planet earth in honor of earth day on the 22nd of April, the children have been learning about recycling and how it helps the earth ,we have also learned the importance of saving water and looking after the environment .

Its amazing how much they already know. We have been looking at how we can help the earth on a daily basis. they are very interested in the blue part of the earth the ocean and the large fish, sharks and whales that live in it. We will see where this theme takes us next week. 


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