
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Greenpark Road trip to Ravenswell Primary School

Greenparks Pre-School
 Trip to Ravenswell!

On Monday the 2nd March, the children going to Ravenswell school in September took a trip to visit their new school environment! This is part of our transitions program whereby we aid the children in getting ready to move over to primary school.

On the day we went over we met Kerrieann, home school liaison in Ravenswell who showed us around the Junior Infant rooms, the children were introduced to the Junior infants teachers as well as getting to see The Marian Center's Homework club rooms.

The children really enjoyed our trip over and are really looking froward to starting in September.

We 'd like to thank Brona from Specs and Ravenwell school for facilitating this trip over. Transitioning into a new School environment can be a very big change for children so being able to visit the school before they move over can help to reduce any anxieties that children may have about going to 'big school'.

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