
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

GP Pre-School Am - Our week in review

😁 Learning and Having Fun.😁 

What a great combination of children learning through fun activities ,we had all had a busy week last week doing may different activities.

We have made some changes to the yard to make it more interesting and inviting to the children and created a sensory area at the bottom with our sand tray ,interactive paint easel which the children love and our new tuff tray filled with soil and all kinds of wonderful treasures its amazing to see how the children play how they create their own games by using their imagination, the variations are endless.

The language used while discussing what they are doing or building is a valuable way of children learning new words and there meaning, this all helps to aid language development. 

We have heard some really descriptive words being used while the children have been playing together and there has been lots of fun and laughter.

Over the coming months we hope to continue to upgrade the yard area with new equipment that we know the children will love .The out door area is a valuable class room where children can learn and develop in many areas.   

Karen's group

 Emily exploring our tuff tray.

Lucy looking for buried treasure.

Ren Ren is burying some of his treasures

Brodie loves digging in our new tuff tray.

Here Anaiya and Emily are trying to decide                        what instrument to play.

Good choice Emily a tambourine          

Brodie is making some lovely sounds

Anaiya loves exploring       

Ren Ren using our interactive easel

A group/team painting       

We're making a band


Ren Ren loved playing with the xylophone, he concentrated                                                                    and used a lot of hand eye coordination to hit one bar at a time.

 Very busy boys and girls!

🦢Liz's Group🦢
   Liz's group got to go and visit the swans last week as there were only 2 children in her group on Tuesday ,it was such an adventure and they really enjoyed it.

After a long walk down we had our lunch and then feed the swans. It was a lovely sunny morning and surprisingly warm the harbour was busy with walkers and there was no shortage of swans to feed ,the sea was calm and quiet .

The children were eager to finish their lunch so they could explore the beach and feed the swans who were waiting patiently for the remains of lunch.

Feeding the Seagulls

The swans are so cheeky and really big!

                 On our way home after a cool adventure.

                         Tara's Group
Tara's group got to explore our newly revamped outdoor area first on Tuesday, as you can see they had a great time exploring our new sensory area. Its amazing how the way you present certain pieces of equipment can heighten there appeal to the children.

The new tuff tray has been a huge hit with children, over the weeks we will change the contents based on the children's interests but for now they are really enjoying the soil and natural elements of stones, cones, pieces of bark, and twigs.

We also took our musical instruments outside they don't seem to sound as loud outside as they do inside 😂 the children were having so much fun they did not want to come in for lunch . 

Alan showing us all his treasures

Blake is burying his treasure.

We are sharing and working                            together.

Tianna is burying the cones.

The boys are examining their treasure.

                            🎂Denise's Group🎂

Denise's group baked on Thursday and finished them on Friday they made lovely butterfly buns .

The children always love to bake and love to help pour and mix the mixture .

 They are always so proud of there creations and are so excited to give it to their family members.
Baking is a good introduction to maths where ingredients must be weighed and separated, it is also a great opportunity to explain to children where all our ingredients and food comes from and the role of the farmer.

This is how we extend activities to help children to understand the role of the farmer in helping to give us food that we eat every day and also helps the children to better understand the world around them .The children were very interested in how flour is made. .  

       The children made delicious cakes and enjoyed the process. 

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