
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Santa's visit in Greenpark Pre-School


 The children had a fun filled magical Christmas morning full of all things Christmas.

The children painted the Christmas decorations that they made last week they really enjoyed doing this and put a lot of effort into it. They also made some beautiful Christmas wreaths .

The children were so excited all morning waiting on Santa to arrive. When he came they were all so excited and happy it was lovely for the children.  they sang some beautiful carols for Santa and had some very funny questions to ask they were all very eager to go up to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas and to get their presents we had a lovely little party to finish off .

The children had a great morning wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.


The children had a great morning ,we kept them busy ,not all the children wanted a photo with Santa but they were all happy to go up to him to receive their present. They sang some lovely songs for Santa too ! well done.

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