
Monday, January 25, 2021

GP Pre-School Homemade Fun activities 🏑


Good morning Parents/Guardians, Boys & Girls πŸ‘ͺ

I hope you had fun trying out some of our activities last week I have been looking out for ideas that you guys can do at home using items from home. And I have found some really cool ones that you will love.♥️

There’s no real theme this week just a selection of activities that are fun and will interest and engage the children, I’ve picked activities that can be done using the same materials as last week, food colouring being a big part of our materials.

Food colouring is so resourceful and has many uses. Last year we could not get red paint anywhere for our Christmas art activities, so we bought white paint and added red food colouring for red paint, it worked so well.

If you don’t have paints at home but have a variety of food colouring bottles, just buy one bottle of white paint and you can decided what colour you want it to be. Its also excellent for the children to mix it and see the paint change every time they add more.

 My daughter went through a phase of making slime so we had lots of food colouring bottles at home so we used them up making different coloured paint, white paint can be picked up in dealz for €1.50 and turned into many colours.🎨

Children are born explorers that fully engage with there surroundings using there senses, sightπŸ‘, soundπŸ‘‚ ,touch πŸ–,smell πŸ‘ƒand taste πŸ‘…the environment is so stimulating to a young child experiencing many things for the first time everyday.

Its important that we keep young children active both physically and mentally by engaging them in activities that allow them to explore their creativity and imagination Creative activities help to spark πŸ’₯ a child’s natural curiosity.

By doing new things with children it helps to develop a sense of wonder and helps them to understand the world around them and how things work. Creative activities help a child to think, make connections and work things out for themselves.

By engaging with adults and family πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§‍πŸ‘§ members while doing these activities it helps children to develop their listening skills, express their feelings, describe their activities and actions, helping to develop their language and communication skills .

This week I found some cool activities using things from around the home 🏑 


I'   I've included a colour chart in-case you want to try making your own coloured paints, its a great activity for the children to be able to experiment with colours. By doing this activity the children will gain great knowledge around cause and effect how their actions change the colour. Its also a great science activity and great fun too making some new colours, they get to control the depth of the colours by adding more food colouring. πŸ₯£

                                                            Bird 🐦 feeder

     Spring is almost here and nature is starting to come alive again the trees and plants will be waking up and new leaf buds will be coming on the trees, the birds will start building nests and laying eggs πŸ₯š. So I thought we could make them a bird feeder ,because its hard work building a nest and they get hungry.


These bird feeders 🦜are made from milk cartons . If you don’t have paints you can cover them in tin foil and colour with markers , twigs can be used as the perch. It will be nice for the children to watch the birds coming to feed in their garden, see how many different types of birds come.


  Clothes peg wreath 

I seen this activity and thought is looked like a nice easy activity that the children would enjoy ,you can colour the pegs with markers, paint, or dye the pegs with food colouring which looks really cool. 

       Just leave the pegs soaking in warm coloured water for an hour , and you'll have a rainbow 🌈 of pegs to use for your wreath.



     Cut a circle from a cereal box, the children can colour it if they want to and then arrange the pegs around the circle. They can ad stickers, cut pictures from magazines, pick flowers and leaves to make a spring wreath. 

You could also make a valentines day wreath with red pegs and coloured and cut out hearts πŸ’• they can have great fun deciding what they want to use. 

 Pegs are great fun to play with you can build and attach many items together with pegs

 Pegs are great for children's fine motor skills and concentration they use a lot of energy and muscles squeezing the pegs ,hand eye coordination is also used while  directing the pegs where they want them to go. 

Give them pegs and colouring pencils and they will have a great time building

                                                    Home made projector 

How simple is this, its just a kitchen roll a torch πŸ”¦  cling film and some markers   the children get to experiment with light they will see how the projection gets bigger the further away they are ,and how small it gets when they are close to the wall.

                                                     πŸ’€Treasure ChestπŸ’€


 Children are born explorers and foragers they love to pick up little things they find, uits like their treasure.

 Children will love this and it can be used anywhere a trip to the beach or park or even in the back garden it will keep them busy finding different items to put in each section and best of all its only an egg carton.

                                                         Name Tracing
    Write you child’s name on a piece of paper and put into a sandwich bag ,the children can use a marker to trace their name you can practice shapes too.

    I hope you try some of these activities they are simple using household items .if you do id love to see some photos, we miss you boys and girls so much ❤. 





BW Pre-School Activities

Hello Everyone! This week we will be doing Healthy snacks to make at home!!! πŸ˜‹

Here I will add 3 simple and creative ideas to make some tasty and healthy food choices to help create some DIY snacks

Firstly hope all the boys and girls had fun with shapes and colours and found some interesting shapes in your nature scavenger hunt? We are looking forward to hearing how the skittles experiment went when we come back to preschool!

Let’s do some more fun learning at home this week, in preschool we love to learn about food and taste different fruits and vegetables and how they are super healthy, and I’m sure you all love to help at home with making lunch or dinner and maybe even making breakfast?

This week it would be great to make some fun food at home and if you can practice some counting and weighing that would be super! 

Why not try and make a really cool Grape Hedgehog?

You will need

A Pear, grapes and a blueberry , and some toothpicks (supervised activity)

Place the toothpicks into the pear and see how many you can count and fit in the pear, then place all the grapes on the toothpicks, and now you have a grape hedgehog!





Banana sushi is also another easy and healthy snack to explore and make at home, you can make with Wraps, Banana, and a little Nutella or Peanut butter if suitable.

 Once you have made it count how many sushi pieces you can cut, make sure a grown up is supervising this activity too Talk about the smell, texture and what it tastes like, I’m think this one looks delicious!

Here is a link to the recipe below πŸ‘‡

You could also makes some refreshing mini fruit kebabs, you can use any fruit you want and place them on a skewer to create a nice healthy fruit snack. Talk about the names of the fruit and where the fruit comes from, the texture, weight heavy or light? Chop fruit with an adult and count the pieces as you place them on the skewers πŸ‘ Enjoy your healthy snack πŸ˜‹ and most of all have some fun and remember Play is the highest form of research πŸ‘Œ


Activity themed story : Oliver's Fruit Salad

A good story to go with this weeks activity is all bout a little boy called Oliver who is really good at helping his Granddad in the garden where Granddad grows his very own fruit. He explores different fruits and even goes shopping with mom to buy some fruit, it’s a lovely story that goes really well with this weeks topics, I’ve attached a you tube video of this lovely little story below πŸ‘‡


I hope you enjoy this weeks activities and enjoy making some tasty snacks and reading all about Oliver's Fruit Salad!

Natasha and The Team



Friday, January 22, 2021

Montessori Activities



Fun and Inspirational Montessori Activities You Can Do at Home


Montessori education was developed to encourage children to think for themselves. Children are provided every opportunity to engage in their world and are enticed into learning. In other words, learning is more like play time. Children learn without knowing they are doing far more than playing.

The system of Montessori education is denoted via:

        Children in mixed age classrooms

        Children provided blocks of time in working on projects (up to three hours)

        Children have limited choices in their activities

        Children are free to learn concepts through exploration of materials rather than ‘direct’ instruction

The Montessori model of education was introduced across America in 1911. These activities may be used to prepare a pre-schooler for school or for home schooling purposes. The techniques are devised to assist a child in exploring, measuring, and observing the world around them.


1. Counting Objects & Matching Numbers





A great way to introduce mathematics to a toddler. You can find objects in the house, socks, spoons, pasta etc. Make a game of it through using everyday objects that are familiar to the child.


2. Scrap Alphabet 

Build tactile skills by letting children glue fabric, paper, cut our cereal boxes, magazines, scraps etc to cardboard cut-outs of the alphabet. This activity builds up the muscles needed for writing/holding a pen or pencil.


3. Discovery Baskets




Discovery baskets or shopping bags can be filled with items that are similar or from different rooms of the household is a good way to keep a toddler’s mind active.


4. Miniature Weaving


Miniature weaving is an activity that will unleash an older child’s creativity and more than a little imagination. This can be a tricky one to do and is suitable for any older children in your household .

5. Nature Scavenger Hunt 


Put together a nature scavenger hunt for you kids and their friends. Glue what kids are looking for onto paper .

6. Observation Trays

This one is great if you happen to have a magnifying glass at home.  


Add a magnifying glass to observation trays. Allow your child to explore up close vegetables, fruits, and nuts. The magnifying glass gives children a real sense of observation and satisfies their notion toward exploration.

7. Clothes Pin Words


Clothes pin words sparks creativity and letter recognition in a small child’s mind. These are so easy to make and is a wonderful way to teach the connection between the alphabet and words.



 8. Play-Dough: Fine Motor Skills



Make it yourself playdough it is far cheaper and more fun to make than the store bought kind. The kids can even help make it! Younger children build and fine tune motor skills, while older children get a boost in their creativity.

9. Taste Bowls


This activity teaches a child about the four senses of taste. Have the child close his or her eyes or use a blindfold. Use a spoon to feed the different tastes to the child.

10. Number Clip Cards



These counting cards are a great way to teach numbers the Montessori way. The child simply ‘pins’ the correct number and learns number recognition at the same time, you can draw the pictures yourself ask your children what their favourite things are and draw them on .

11. Miniature Tree Table



A DIY Nature Tree Table to spark a child’s imagination and to teach about the outdoors. Children can use toys on hand or the items found in their nature scavenger hunt. Blutac if you have any is a great way to get the branches to stick down.

12. DIY Coin Box



The DIY coin box builds fine motor skills and teaches counting. Little hands are sure to stay busy. A sharpie pen can be used to mark the chips with numbers, or you can just use the coins you have around the house. 

13. Mystery Bag



A mystery bag should be filled with 4 or 5 familiar objects. The bag heightens a child’s sense of touch and tactile recognition. You can ask them questions, like what can you feel, is it soft or rough, spikey or smooth. This can really help to encourage and promote your child's speech and language development.

14. Colander and Pipe Cleaners


This is a fun and quite simple activity. If you happen to have pipe cleaners and a colander you can have your child thread pipe cleaners through the holes in a colander. The unique designs awaken your child’s creativity and imagination.


15. Pom-Poms into Cardboard Tube



Kids will love the disappearing and sudden reappearing of items again here you can use pom-poms, pasta, toy cars anything you can find that will fit through the hole in this activity.  Tape the tube to a nearby press, door or wall.

     16. Letter Recognition




If you have letter magnets at home , play with the letters with you child this will leads to familiarity with the alphabet. 

 17. Ping-Pong Ball Scoop


Teach hand-eye coordination with this DIY ping-pong ball scoop game


Teach hand-eye coordination with this DIY ping-pong ball scoop game