
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Pre-School Colours and Rainbows

Good Morning Parents/Guardians

 Boys and Girls

I hope you are all well and in good spirits. I bet you are all really missing school and your friends now but hopefully it won’t be long until we are all back together again playing and having fun with our preschool friends. We will have lots of catching up to do when you get back and you can tell us all about your Santa presents and all the fun you had playing with your new toys.

I hope you had fun trying out the activities I put up for you last week. This week we will look at rainbows and colours. The world is  such a colourful place and we are surrounded by different colours where ever we are. 

We all have a favourite colour , mine is blue like the sky, what's yours?

What is a rainbow ? Ask the children. Id love πŸ’•to here some of the answers. 

Rainbows are formed when light shines through water, like when the sun shines through the rain. This light is bent and reflected, like a reflection in a mirror, and this causes all of the amazing colours that you see. These colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

There are lots of activities that we can do at home using household ingredients. I know we are in lockdown so I don’t expect people to go out and buy equipment to create these activities. 

Some of the materials and ingredients you may have at home in your kitchen already, they are simple to make and if you don’t have some of the items they can be picked up in any of the  local shops (the ones we’re still able to go to ha)they are cheap and have many uses  they can be bought in Tesco, Supervalu  in the baking section while doing your shopping .

Children love to explore and experiment that’s how they learn they also love to create their ideas through hands on activities. Today we are going to look at making a variety of activities  using household ingredients and food colouring, the children can decide what colours they want to use. 

In preschool learning our colour's is very important we try to incorporate it in to everything we do, it is one of the first things we teach the children through songs and games. One of the songs we sing is I can sing a 🌈 rainbow .

The children love to sing this song and it helps to reinforce colours with them we usually point to the colours when we are singing the song, maybe you could try it at home.

                            πŸŒˆ Growing a Rainbow  🌈 

Another cool activity is creating your own rainbow its very simple to do and requires a few materials that children may have at home.

All you need is - kitchen towel.

                           - washable markers.

                           - 2 glasses (be careful).

                           - water.

Fold a sheet of kitchen towel in to a long rectangle. 

And colour the same colours on either end leaving the middle part uncoloured. Half fill the two glasses with water ,dip the two coloured ends in to the water ,just half way up your colours. 

Now wait and watch as your colours meet to make your very own 🌈 rainbow. 

Cool !


                            πŸŒˆ  Rainbow Bubble Snake🐍 

This is a cool activity that you can do outside and all you need is a bottle and an old fluffy sock.

Its really simple to do you cut the end out of a plastic water bottle and slip the sock over the bottom, secure with an elastic band or bobbin ,you can put different colour spots on the sock using food colouring to create a rainbow  🌈  of bubbles.

 Just put a small amount of water and washing up liquid in a bowl and have fun blowing a colourful snake 🐍. Maybe you should try this outside. Wrap up warm 

                                  πŸŽ¨ Bubble painting  

Bubble painting is a lovely fun activity the children love. The effects of the bubbles on the paper is it creates a beautiful pattern and each painting is different. By adding food colouring to the washing up liquid and water it creates a different colour bubble, you can create a variety of colours in different cups the children can choose the colours they wish to have on their paintings.

Tape some straws together, dip and blow, when the bubbles burst they leave lovely coloured circles. 

                                     Blow painting 

 Again using food colouring and straws drip some coloured water on to a page using a straw blow the coloured water in different directions, children get to see what happens as the colours mix.

                              Colourful Play Dough 

Play dough is an all time favourite for all children. I have included a variety of recipes for different types of play dough, again if you use different colours when making the play dough it will help to reinforce the colours theme,  just divide up the mixture and place a few drops of food colouring into each piece. 

The children help to make play dough at school and love playing with it .

                               Colour scavenger hunt

G                   Color Scavenger Hunt.

A scavenger hunt is a great way to identify if your child is struggling to identify a particular colour.

I spy is another game that the children enjoy and you can do it anywhere. The children can get you to find colours to.

 I hope you have a great and colourful week trying out some of our activities. Also while reading πŸ“š to your child get them to point out colours again keep them talking and thinking by answering questions .

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