
Thursday, January 14, 2021

BW Pre-School Checkin


Hello Everyone!


Happy new year to all our friends in preschool and all of the teachers hope you had a lovely Christmas break! Would you like to do some fun activities at home? Although we can’t come to preschool at the moment it’s still fun to learn at home too. This week we shall be do activities about shapes and colours!

Shapes and colours are all around us and we can search and find them absolutely everywhere. We have talked about shapes and colours in preschool but can you find some at home and in your neighbourhood?

This week I would love for you to do 3 activities at home.


1.Make some shapes from playdough, to make you will need.. One cup of flour, one cup of salt, some oil, few drops of food colour and a little water mix together to get a firm but soft texture. Use some safe kitchen utensils to cut and form shapes!

Draw shapes on a blank page and get your child to form shapes on top of the shapes you have drawn. Please see the link below for ideas 👇


2.Shapes in Nature scavenger hunt.


If you have time go for a walk and see what shapes and colours you can find in nature, shapes and colours are all around us maybe take a video or some photos to talk about what you found.

I’ve attached a link with a scavenger hunt patterns in nature list, this is also good to help with ideas of what shapes and patterns can be found in nature. See what you can find on the list and you can talk all the different things you find.


3. Colours science experiment!

Colours are so beautiful and especially when we see them in a beautiful rainbow 🌈 colours can be so bright and when they mix together we can watch how the colours change.

Why don’t you try the skittles rainbow experiment at home it is super easy and you get to talk about color and watch how they can change. You will need…


1 bag of skittles, a plate and boiling water so please be careful and( this needs to be a supervised activity).

Place the skittles on a plate to make a large circle, pour boiling water into the middle of the plate just enough to reach the skittles, wait for a minute and watch what happens! 🌈 Please find the attached link below 👇


I hope you enjoy this weeks activities and I would love to hear all about them and how they went when we can return to preschool!

And remember play is the highest  form of research 👌

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