
Monday, February 15, 2021

Pancake Tuesday


Happy pancake day!


Cooking with kids provides practical experience with many essential skills such as reading, following directions, and measuring. Getting involved in cooking helps your child to develop fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, and even early concepts of math and science. ... Finally, cooking with kids is great family time.  Exposure to scratch cooking helps kids develop a mature palate and a taste for fresh, wholesome ingredients. The earlier kids become accustomed to nutritious foods, the less likely they will acquire a taste for processed foods. Kids are much more likely to eat what they make.

As it Panacake Tuseday, here are a few receipts to cook with your kids at home.


 Lion Pancakes For Kids


        2 cups Pancake Mix

        1 1/3 cup Water

        20 Mandarin Orange Slices (per pancake)

        1 Strawberry (halved, per pancake)

        2 Blueberries (per pancake)

        Chocolate Syrup

        Ziploc Bag

        Non-Stick Cooking Spray

1.     Prepare the pancake batter and mix thoroughly. Heat the frying pan to about 350 degrees and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Pour your pancakes onto the pan and cook following package directions.

2.     Once your pancakes are cooked to your desire, place one pancake in the canter of a plate. Around the pancake place your mandarin oranges to create the mane of the lion. Use the two blueberries for the eyeballs and the strawberry for the nose.

3.     To create the mouth, squeeze a little chocolate syrup into a Ziploc baggie. Make a small snip to the end of the baggie and use draw on the lion's mouth and whiskers.

4.     Serve warm with syrup or whipped cream.


Pumpkin Pancakes



        2 cups Pancake Mix

        1 1/3 cup Water

        1 tbsp Canned Pumpkin

        1 Strawberry (halved, per pancake)

        6 Candy Corn (per pancake)

        2 Chocolate Chips (per pancake)

        Whipped Cream

        Non-Stick Cooking Spray (per pancake)

1.     Prepare the pancake batter, add 1 tbsp of canned pumpkin, and mix thoroughly.

2.     Heat a frying pan to about 350 degrees and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Pour your pancakes onto the pan and cook using package directions.

3.     Once your pancakes are cooked to your desire, place one pancake in the center of the plate. Place dollops of whipped cream on the pancake to create the two eyes and the smile.

4.     Use the candy to form the smile into the whipped cream, the strawberry to create the nose, and the chocolate chips to create eyes.

5.     Serve warm with syrup or whipped cream.




The Sunshine Pancake



        2 cups Pancake Mix

        1 1/3 cup Water

        3 Strawberries (sliced per pancake)

        6-8 Blueberries (per pancake)

        2 Chocolate Chips (per pancake)

        Non-Stick Cooking Spray

1.     Prepare the pancake batter and mix thoroughly. Heat a frying pan to about 350 degrees and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Pour your pancakes onto the griddle or pan and cook using package directions.

2.     While the pancakes are cooking, slice strawberries lengthwise into small, flat, slices.

3.     Once pancakes are cooked, place one pancake on the center of the plate. Place strawberries around the pancake to create the rays of the sun. Use the blueberries to form the smile and the two chocolate chips to create eyes.

4.     Serve warm with syrup or whipped cream.







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