
Friday, October 23, 2020



                                                MATHEMATICAL LESSON   

Here the children are preparing for mathematical skills by learning to identify the numbers. Numbers 1 through 10 are the foundation of maths. Here the children must learn the names, symbols and quantities that these numbers represent.

 As children learn to say the numbers, they use the number cards to help them explore what the numbers look like when written. Here the children practice putting numbers in sequence. Place one card on the table and invite a child to place the remaining cards to the right in the proper order. The child can place counters under each card to represent each number's quantity.

Here you can see how MASON has placed the numbers in the correct sequence. Look at the concentration on MASON face as he matches the quantities of counters to the numbers

WELSEY has a natural ability to learning with numbers as is shown by the interest and motivation he expressed in the numbers and counters lesson.

Above DYLAN is taking this mathematical lesson in his stride,  he is developing his problem solving skills, and his concentration on his face shows the love he has for mathematical lesson.

Alaina below our new girl has also taken to the numbers and counters lesson. She is enjoying her first few days in Montessori and as you can see she is thriving in the Montessori class.

TYLER below said he wants to learn to count  so he can ''count all his money''. Tyler is definitely going to work in the bank when he grows up,  this is why as children we need to learn theses skills, to use as adults in their further.

There is accumulated evidence that shows that music and math have much in common because both 

can be translated into numbers. So, children involved in musical activities (e.g., to play 

an instrument, violin or piano) for instance are generally good at math.   So the next extending 

learning is too count the beats.


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