
Friday, October 16, 2020

Fun with orbeez

                   💦Experimenting with Orbeez!💦

Karen's boys and girls had great fun with orbeez, I have to admit I have never seen them before but what amazing little beads they are.

The Orbeez start off as tiny beads only the size of a grain of sugar, you place them in water and this is where the transformation takes place. 

We left ours in water over night and when the children came into school the next day they could not believe what had happened to the tiny beads.

They had become 10 times the size and had absorbed all the water 😵

"They Gone Big 

Look At Them"

They looked like little magical crystals the children were completely engrossed in the orbeez ,the texture ,the mobility of them as they rolled across the table , they were cold but not wet and also squishy.

The orbeez brought about much chat between the children as they explored the beads the feel of them with their fingers ,rolling ,bouncing and squishing them the children used some very descriptive words.


"Their very cold ,there good"


   "there very slippery"

      "These are slimey" 


       "This is bouncy"


Anaiya picked one up she rolled it through her fingers and said 
             "i think its like frog spawn"

the children had great fun with the orbeez so to extend the activity we stuck them on spaghetti and painted with them ,
 which was also great fun. 



This was a great sensory activity that expanded in to an exploring and thinking activity and a creative activity where each child created a lovely art piece.

The benifts of sensory play 
  • sensory play encourages the development of motor skills.

  • supports language development and social interaction.

  • encourages scientific thinking and problem solving

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