
Thursday, October 1, 2020

GP Morning Montessori Lessons



Today the children in Montessori moved on from 2D shapes to 3D shapes!

The Geometric Solids 
 are one of many Montessori materials that challenge and shape a child's stereognostic sense, which is their ability to perceive and understand both the form and nature of objects through touch. 
By working with these materials, children become aware of how shapes form the basis for everyday objects.  
Here I ask the children what solid reminds them of what object .

Above Ariya choose the Prism as her favourite solid, as it reminder her of a tent for camping, again here the children are developing there imagination. 

Holly above choose the cylinder because she could use use it to roll playdough.

Above Sean has choose the oval as it reminded him of an dinosaur egg.

Charlie choose the cube as it looked like a giant ice cube.

Above Sarah choose the cuboid because it reminded her of a bar of chocolate.

Extending Learning

Below the children extended their learning by deciding to make a book of Geometric Solids to bring home.

Below you can see Charlie is developing his concentration.

 Sarah has chosen the primary colour blue to start outlining her oval.

Above you can see how Ariya has mastered the pincer grip as she steadily colours her Oval.

Here Holly does what Holly does best and strikes a pose, Holly is 
showing us her real Identity and it shows how  comfortable she is in her setting.

 The Montessori group have come on along way from last year and you can see how they have grown in confidence and have extended their cognitive development.

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