
Friday, October 22, 2021

BW Pre-School Halloween


Happy Halloween from all the Teachers at the Marian Centre Preschool, can you believe we are approaching the end of October already?!!


Recap of September/October 2021

September and October have been really busy and the preschool Teachers are so proud of all the children and parents that have settled into preschool and worked hard to ensure preschool is a happy and safe learning environment. Children have been busy little bees and great work goes on every day.

September was all about getting to know each other and our teachers, we explored lots of different activities and took every opportunity to go outside and get fresh air and exercise.

October has been a fun time with lots of different sensory activities such as painting and making creepy cats, gluing and sticking, thank you to everyone that has helped to gather leaves and conquers and sticks to create a beautiful nature themed tuff tray in our preschool it has created many discussions about Autumn and weather.

 Pods have enjoyed talking about Halloween and doing lots of Halloween crafts, and we even made some yummy batman flapjacks.

We have also introduced mindfulness to the children.

Mindfulness teaches the children to be present in the moment, Linda has a very special glitter and water feelings jar, and every day we spend time sprinkling our feelings into the jar. We then observe glitter floating in the water and discuss our feelings.


Teachers can be wonderful observers and love to listen to children interests, this allows the teacher to follow an emergent based curriculum.

Some ideas the children came up with over the past few weeks have been  superhero activities and robots, octopus and the colour orange. All of these activities were based on children's discussions and interests. Teachers love children to be leaders in their own learning and actively encourage children to bring ideas for what we can do in preschool.

Facebook updates,

We try to capture the preschool experience through photos of activities and children busy in their learning environment. Facebook has been a good way to show parents and guardians what their child does while at preschool.

This year has been different with covid 19 and communicating and working with parents is always a priority, these photos are a way to capture preschool life and allow parents a glimpse into the busy learning environment. So please keep an eye on our facebook page (The Marian Centre) for regular updates and information.


 Face coverings need to be worn during drop off and pick up, and please always maintain social distancing as it is for everyone safety. Make sure that you provide an up to date contact number as this is REALLY IMPORTANT.

Thank you to all the parents and teachers that have worked so hard to ensure that children can continue to receive a fun and safe preschool experience during these times, it’s a team effort and we couldn’t do it without you!

 Enjoy the midterm break and we will be back on Monday the 2nd November as normal. Happy Halloween to all from,

Natasha and all teachers and staff at the Marian centre preschool.

Take a look at some photos of our days in preschool so far.





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