
Friday, October 22, 2021

GP Newsletter


It is hard to believe our first term is nearly over! All the children are settled back into the routine of coming to school & all our new starters have gotten really settled and are making lots of new friends.

We have two students joining us in the preschool this year.

Wen is currently in her second year of her Play Therapy Masters and will be with us until June 2022. Wen will be working with the children throughout the year to embed her play skills.

Caoimhe is currently in her third year of her Early Year’s Degree and will be with us until the end of December 2021. Caoimhe will be working alongside the teachers in the group to gain experience of working with the pre school age group.

Highlights of September & October 2021

All of our groups have been incredibly busy since they have started back.

Morning Sessions:

In Tara and Miriam’s group, pirates have been a massive interest. This stemmed from a child talking about pirates and all the children were really involved in the conversations. They spent a week, learning about pirates, making pirate ships as well as eye patches and all the bits that they associated with them. 

In Karen and Laura’s group, one of the boys made a song up and all the children learned this song. This was a wonderful experience as it not only built up on his musical interest it also encouraged the children to get involved both musically as well as creatively. The children made accompanying props to go with the song.

In Liz’s group, the story about the Gingerbread man really peaked the children’s interest and they focused on that story. They made gingerbread men to eat as well as using the story as the basis for their play experiences. The children really enjoyed this activity.

Afternoon Session:

Both of our afternoon groups have been working on learning about pigeons!! This was sparked by a little boy coming in and telling us about his friend’s pigeons. When they were talking about pigeons, it turns out that quite a few grandads keep pigeons so the activities revolved around this. They made pigeons in art and also made pigeon coups out of the Connectix to keep their pigeons in. The children really enjoyed this activity as they could relate it back to their own home personal experiences.

The afternoon group have also been learning about road safety and how we cross the road as we make our way over to the park to play. The children are all now very aware of how we hold hands crossing the road, listen out for cars as well looking up and down the road before we cross.

Halloween Party:

We will be having our Halloween fancy dress party on Friday the 23rd  October and it is a normal day for each group. We ask that all children come to school dressed up if they wish

Halloween 2018 Mid Term Arrangements:

·         Pre School will be closed Monday the 25th  October until Friday the 29th October 2021

·         Pre School will re-open Monday the 1st  November 2021


·         We ask that bikes/scooters are not left in school. Unfortunately we are tight for space and we have nowhere to store them safely

·         If someone different is collecting your child, please do make us aware so that we can keep an eye out for them. Anyone collecting your child must be aged 16 or over

·         Please be aware that our policy around mask wearing is still in place and we ask that anyone dropping off or collecting your child is wearing a mask/face covering.

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