
Monday, July 1, 2024

BW Summer Camp 2024

🌞 Summer camp Fun and Games🌞

Summer camp was so much fun  ,we were very lucky with the weather this year the rain held off when we needed it to thankfully.


We started our summer camp off with a trip to Dublin Zoo it was such a hot day 26 degrees. The children had a great time, we stopped for plenty of drink breaks and we brought three buggy's so the children could take turns and have a rest ,but very few took a rest they were happy to walk along and explore all the animal enclosures and of course the many playgrounds dotted around the Zoo. 


Tuesday was Genie Mackers she has a great way of engaging the children with her tales of magic land ,all the children had a great morning of dancing ,face painting and plenty of imagination.


Wednesday we all went to Zoom and then to the playground next door.
The children loved having the freedom to run around it was a very active and energetic morning that went very well ,

On Thursday we had play ball , Sebastian came in and did some cool games with the boys and girls in hall.
 The children really enjoyed the activity and were very good at following the directions and rules of the various game we were very impressed.


Our final day of summer camp was spent in Glenroe Farm .The rain held off thankfully and we had bursts of sunshine. The children had great fun exploring all the different pens of farm animals and we had a lovely guide who was great with the boys and girls and answered all their questions. We had great fun in the playground and sandpit and after lunch we walked up to the fairy garden its a beautiful walk surrounded by nature.

We would like to wish all our parting families the best of luck for the future and all the boys and girls the best of luck as the enter their next learning journey they were a lovely group and we will miss them all ,do call in and see us .

Wishing everyone a lovely summer.

Best Wishes from all the staff of the Marian center.



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