
Monday, July 8, 2024

Veronica - End Of Year Recap


💗Veronica - End Of Year Recap 💗

It is hard to believe that we are reaching the end of the year. We have had so much fun and been so busy learning about different themes. 

Our Bodies:

The children all really enjoyed this this theme, they loved learning facts about their bodies and how they work. As one of the activities, we traced around the children's bodies and they were able to decorate themselves as they wanted to. 

Moon Rocks:

Another theme that was a big hit with the group this year was learning all about space. This again showed the children's curiosity about facts and they thoroughly enjoyed every new thing they learned about space. Here they are making moon rocks to bring home. 


In keeping with the space theme, the children all made their own planets. They all picked out what they would like to make with some of the children deciding to make their very own planets and give them their own names

Healthy Eating:

The children all enjoyed this theme, learning about food and how our bodies process it. Here they are using their fingers to paint some fruit 

Storytelling and Fairy Tales:

One of our final themes of the year was story telling and fairy tales. Here the children are making beanstalks to go with the story. During this theme the children also got the opportunity to write their own stories which are in their journals 

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