
Thursday, October 15, 2020

GP Morning Pre-School

 πŸ” Tianna's runaway chicken πŸ”

During circle time this week Tiana told us that she had lost one of her chickens, The children became very interested in the chickens and asked lots of questions

Tiana told the children that she looked after the chickens at home. The children were very interested in learning about the chickens where they lived and what chickens eat.

This started a whole week of learning about chickens we learnt about the life cycle of a chicken. We read the story the little Red Hen, we talked about eggs and food that is made from eggs, we learned an egg was an oval shape and Tianna told us her chickens lay eggs. The we made our own chicken. The children really enjoyed this topic and this was an example of following an emergent interest.

Emergent curriculum is a way of planning our curriculum that focuses on being responsive to children's interests and to help us create meaningful learning experiences.

 An emergent curriculum is based on the idea that children learn best when curriculum experiences represent their interests, strengths, needs and lived experiences. Children are more likely to learn and retain information when they are interested motivated or passionate about something.

Here are some photos of all the things we did based around chickens, hens and eggs


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