
Friday, September 18, 2020

Lunch time in Greenpark Rd

🌈 Today we had a Rainbow Lunch🌈,

Today our lovely housekeeper Leonie created a beautiful colourful, healthy and nutritious lunch for the children.

The children were intrigued by all the colours at lunch time today. It's important that the lunches are interesting and engaging at the Marian centre so we encourage healthy eating  by making lunch times fun and interesting this in turn helps to encourage the children  to take part and try new things.

Today we had chicken, salad, lettuce, cucumber,  tomatoes and cheese. The children got to make their own wraps and got to decide what to put on to their wraps - we called them rainbow wraps.

 The children love to make a game out of all activities even lunch ,telling each other what colours they have on their wraps.

Encouraging children to eat a nutritious balanced diet early on is important for a number of reasons, ensuring they get the right vitamins and minerals in their diet will help them grow and develop and they are also more likely to be energised and motivated supporting their ability to learn.

Cameron really enjoyed his lunch today and called his wraps spring rolls.

                                                  Jake also enjoyed his healthy lunch.

Healthy eating is a life long benefit to children, encouraging young children to explore new foods is beneficial for their health and well-being .

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