
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Monday morning at the park.

🌳 Karen's children go on a park adventure ðŸŒ³

Today was a glorious day in the park ,the sun was shining and the children couldn't wait to go to the park, Karens group had decided on Friday that they would go to the park on Monday so the children were very excited about our walk .

We brought a bag for treasures and a story to read in the sun, we choose a story about a duck as we were so close to the river , the children could hear the river flowing past and see the birds flying in to land on the water so our story was very relevant to the beautiful setting. 

Outdoor play is an important part of Childhood, it's exciting to see children in their natural environment exploring their surroundings ,being curious about what's around them and finding joy in seeing new things.

The children had a great time searching for conkers and were comparing the sizes of their conkers ,which brought about much conversation encouraging vocabulary and new words the variety in sizes also helped the children to explore weight volume and mass all maths skills needed in future learning.

Children need to remain active throughout the day promoting outdoor play allows them to get fresh air and explore their environment through hands-on learning. 

The natural environment and its loose parts in the outdoors simulate children's senses what they hear touch see and feel. Making it a wonderful setting for learning. 

After all our searching for conkers the children sat down for a story and a well deserved rest.

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